House Representatives.

The Paragon’s efficient new managing agent, Redwood Estate Management Ltd, should be your first point of call if you need professional help - if you’ve suddenly found water leaking into your ceiling and the people upstairs aren't responding to your banging on their door, for instance (and if you’re a tenant you should also immediately contact the flat owner or their managing agent). You should also contact Redwood if you are contemplating making a structural change to your flat and need to check the strict rules applying to the interiors as well as exteriors of Grade One buildings. Redwood’s email - - is monitored throughout working hours and their emergency number is monitored outside working hours.

If you need to check a minor issue, most houses at The Paragon have a House Representative who may be able to help by:

  • Listening to Residents’ concerns / complaints and helping to remedy them

  • Co-ordinating rubbish collection

  • Assisting with queries regarding missing post

  • Providing general information regarding procedures and answering questions

  • The House Reps also review and approve (or not) House expenditure when the House Accounts are compiled by the Managing Agent each year.

Note, please, that it is not the House Rep’s role to assist with problems concerning individual flats. Such issues are the responsibility of the flatowner/lessee.

To contact with your house rep, please email the following address and we will put you in touch: